Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Oracle Remote Diagnostics Agent (RDA) utility

Oracle Remote Diagnostics Agent (RDA) utility:::

In this article we are going to learn how to generate Oracle Remote Diagnostics Agent (RDA) Report.

This article is a comprehensive guide for the generation of Oracle Remote Diagnostics Agent (RDA) Report.
Please do keep in mind that, this article should not be considered a substitution of the official guide from Oracle (http://www.oracle.com).

RDA (Remote Diagnostics Agent) utility and its documentation can be downloaded from Oracle Support (Metalink) website (Doc ID: 314422.1) .

 Steps and Commands:

Unzip Files use Unix/Linux utility use any Windows utility
Instructions README_Unix.txt/README_Linux.txt README_Windows.txt
Verify Installation rda.sh -cv rda.cmd -cv
Run Setup rda.sh -S or rda.pl -S rda.cmd -S or rda.pl -S
Run RDA rda.sh -v or rda.pl -v rda.cmd -v
To view RDA Open RDA_INDEX.htm from the RDA output directory

Connection to Database:
Open command prompt.
cmd> set ORACLE_SID=mydb
cmd> sqlplus / as sysdba
And you will be connected to the database.

For all the screenshots, please visit the following link::  http://www.sensehaze.com/mydata/resources_section/perf_tune/rda/index.php

Oracle Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA) Report Generation:
Note: I am generating RDA Report on Windows for this article.
Unzip Files:
Unzip the downloaded RDA Utility to a directory ( Here E:/rda ).

Read Instructions:
Go to the directory, where we have unzipped the files and we can read the instructions given in the "Readme_O/S.txt" file.

Verify Installation:
Open command prompt and navigate to the RDA directory.
cmd> rda.cmd -cv

Run Setup:
Open command prompt and navigate to the RDA directory.
cmd> rda.cmd -S
 The script continues on for many more pages as part of the configuration. Choose the options according to your Report need.

Run RDA:
Open command prompt and navigate to the RDA directory.
cmd> rda.cmd -v

View RDA Report:
Open "RDA__index.htm" from the RDA output directory to view the report.

Our RDA Report has been generated.

For all the screenshots, please visit the following link::  http://www.sensehaze.com/mydata/resources_section/perf_tune/rda/index.php

1 comment:

  1. Remote Database Administration gives support as custom code support, performance tuning, software revisions, and database management tasks like table, index creation, security management and back up.
